If ever there was a crystal that is underrated, Shungite would definitely be it and these Shungite buddha carvings are just beautiful. Your crystal buddha will be intuitively selected for you.
It is believed to have the ability to block geopathic stress caused by exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). Shungite is said to have exceptional shielding abilities and is also a wonderful grounding crystal which can help relieve any stress or anxiety you may be feeling.
Much like Obsidian, a Shungite buddha can help to release any negativity you may hold within the body. It promotes us to speak nothing but our absolute truth as it allows us to see the wrong in negative or false words.
SHUNGITE AFFIRMATION: I release all that does not serve me. I am shielded from all negative energies.
*Please note that while many people believe in the metaphysical properties, these should under no circumstances replace professional medical advice or treatment. Each individual may experience different effects when working with crystals, so it’s essential to trust your intuition and personal experiences and seek medical guidance where necessary.*