We have a beautiful collection of Rhodochrosite points in stock and they are all so stunning. Your Rhodochrosite point has been individually listed so that you can choose the one that is calling to you.
Rhodochrosite crystal is a stunning stone that is often rose, red and raspberry pink in colour. This crystal integrates physical and spiritual energies, stimulating love and passion while energising the soul. If you are someone who lacks self-confidence and believe in your own capabilities, Rhodochrosite crystal would be great to work as it helps you to recognise and use your own personal power to achieve your full potential. It may help you to look within and identify your strength and capabilities, and it will give you the confidence to be anyone you want to be.
It is good idea to carry a Rhodochrosite tumble with you if you struggle to release any painful past experiences that you can’t let of. It can encourage you to move forward and look at life from a more positive point of view and help you to embrace your inner child and start your life over.
These are the approximate weights of the Rhodochrosite points:
F: 54g
G: 80g
H: 52g
I: 32g
J: 44g
RHODOCHROSITE AFFIRMATION: Love flows freely through me and from within me.
You can take a look at more of our beautiful crystal spheres here.