We have a beautiful collection of the most stunning Apatite points, which have been individually listed so that you are able to choose the one calling to you for yourself.
Blue Apatite is an inspirational and motivational crystal that clears the mind, stimulates creativity and strengthens your power. It helps those who have problems expressing themselves. Blue Apatite crystals can help to lift the mood and encourage one to achieve their goals. This beautiful blue stone opens the mind and stimulates the intellect, it helps to expand the knowledge you receive and inspires truth.
Also, this beautiful crystal can help to improve communication and learning, it boosts motivation and amplifies manifestation abilities, making this.a great crystal to work with when manifesting what you desire. Blue Apatite is great to place in your bedroom or in a location that can be glanced at during the day. The energy you bond with will bring you to a place of confidence and growth.
APATITE AFFIRMATION: I am healthy, my mind is strong and my imagination is fully ignited. I am bringing my dreams to life.
*Please note that while many people believe in the metaphysical properties, these should under no circumstances replace professional medical advice or treatment. Each individual may experience different effects when working with crystals, so it’s essential to trust your intuition and personal experiences and seek medical guidance where necessary.*