Crystal worry stones are a fantastic tool to work with whenever you are feeling anxious or worried. These beautiful heart carvings have a smooth, round indentation carved into them which make them perfect to rub your thumb over and around, creating a relaxing and calming motion. The object of worry stones is to rub the thumbprint back and forth as a way to calm the mind.
Ocean Jasper is helpful in dealing with change and reminds us to love ourselves and others. As an emotional healer it can help us to gently release deeply buried feelings. It has a slow and steady energetic vibration that can help bring tranquility and wholeness. Ocean Jasper may provide comfort, peace, stability, and balance particularly during times of stress and encourages patience. Also, this stone is thought to protect one from malice from others.
OCEAN JASPER AFFIRMATION: I focus my energy on the present moment, my emotional balance and the clarity of my mind which strengthens everyday.