We just love mini carvings – they’re so cute and these Fluorite mini stars are absolutely adorable. Their beautiful tones are even more vibrant in the sunshine and the carving is stunning on these, which is not easy when the crystals are so small. Your Fluorite mini star carving will be intuitively selected for you.
Fluorite is a highly protective crystal, especially when used on a psychic level. This invigorating crystal dissolves illusion and reveals the truth. It cleanses and stabilises the aura and brings clarity of mind and heightens focus – great for work or study. It helps to bring order to chaos and restore balance. It draws out negative energies and stress of all kinds. It cleanses, purifies, dispels and recognises anything within the body that is not in perfect order. If you are someone who struggles with organisation, this is the best crystal to use to overcome this.
Approximate size: 15mm / 1.5cm
FLUORITE AFFIRMATION: I am clear and decisive with my decisions and intentions. My mind and heart are awake, alert, clear and active.