We have a beautiful collection of Hematite tumbles in stock and each on will be intuitively selected for you.
Hematite crystal is a natural stone that is often used to balance and support the healing of your body and your home when used with feng shui intention. Hematite is connected with the root chakra so it grounds and protects us and it strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure.
This Hematite tumble can help with creating courage, strength, endurance and vitality. Hematite crystal is often referred to as a ‘stone for the mind’, so it is a great crystal to work with if you need a boost with concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. The Hematite crystal is small enough to hold in your hand handset your intentions with. You can do this using the Hematite affirmation below.
The dark colour of this Hematite tumble can be used to protect and absorb any negative energies in your home too, so it can be placed in any room you frequent often.
HEMATITE AFFIRMATION: I am grounded and have the strength and courage to make bold decisions.